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Prison Reform Trust

Growing numbers of long sentenced women struggling to progress through their sentence

Long-sentenced women, a small but increasing proportion of women in prison, are facing significant barriers to progressing through their sentence. The briefing is the third in the ‘Invisible Wom…

Her Story


Her Story, Her Justice – Making criminal justice work for women and girl survivors of domestic abuse

It is estimated that 2.1 million people experienced domestic abuse in England and Wales in the year ending March 2023. Despite legislative and policy progress made in recent years, the data tells a di…


Centre for Justice Innovation

Drug and alcohol treatment services for women: A guide to commissioning

This briefing intends to help commissioners utilise much-needed additional funding under the Government’s 10-year drugs strategy, From Harm to Hope, to create a legacy of partnership working tha…

Women, Addictions, Mental Health, Dishonesty, And Crime Stigma

Staffordshire University and Centre for Justice Innovation

Women, addictions, mental health, dishonesty and crime stigma – solutions to reduce the social harms of stigma

British drug policies could underserve women with treatment needs, and this paper provides evidence that communication through the words and actions of professionals across drug and alcohol services, …


The Prison Advice and Care Trust (PACT)

Together A Chance Evaluation of the Social Worker for Mothers in Prison pilot project 2021-2023

Together a Chance (TaC) is a three-year pilot project to trial embedding a social worker in two women’s prisons, HMP Eastwood Park, Gloucestershire and HMP Send, Surrey. This pilot was led by Th…

Hope Street

One Small Thing

Hope Street: A Trauma Informed Design Case Study

This briefing is a case study written by Mike Worthington RIBA, Director of Snug Architects about working with One Small Thing on the design and build of Hope Street in Hampshire. It explains how a Tr…


National Women's Justice Coalition (NWJC)

Co-designing the National Women’s Justice Coalition’s Voice and Advisory Panel of experts by experience

Authors: Abbi Ayers, Hareem Hussain and Michelle Wright…

Building Hope

One Small Thing

Building Hope: Co-producing trauma informed space with women in the justice system

Trauma theory has demonstrated how trauma lingers in the body and can be triggered by what survivors see, hear, feel and smell. Trauma-informed design starts with a recognition that all buildings have…

Reproductive Justice

Birth Companions

Reproductive justice and the climate emergency in the UK

Climate change, global heating, air pollution, toxic chemicals, environmental degradation and the decline of nature – referred to collectively as the climate and biodiversity emergency – p…

Two Nations

The Centre for Social Justice

Two Nations: The State of Poverty in the UK

The UK is in danger of sliding back into the “Two Nations” of the Victorian era marked by a widening gulf between mainstream society and a depressed and poverty-stricken underclass. Breakd…

Identifying Drug And Alcohol Related Harms

Staffordshire University and Centre for Justice Innovation

Identifying alcohol and drug related harms and appropriate treatment pathways for women

In 2022 and 2023 Staffordshire University and Expert Citizens CIC collaboratively collected data with women with lived experience of drug and alcohol services in the West Midlands through interviews a…

Exploring Women S Experience Of Drug And Alcohol Treatment In The West Midlands

Staffordshire University and Centre for Justice Innovation

Exploring women’s experience of drug and alcohol treatment in the West Midlands

The Centre for Justice Innovation, Staffordshire University and Expert Citizens have received funding from The JABBS Foundation and the Office of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner to exp…