Womens Center Staff Member

Membership Criteria

All current and future Partners are expected to meet the following criteria for membership to the NWJC

  1. Partner organisations must be registered charities or community interest companies (CICs).
  2. Partner organisations must demonstrate a commitment to providing specialist women’s services.
  3. As a minimum, 85% of all staff and trustees from any Partner organisation are women
  4. As a minimum, 85% of service users accessing support from Partner organisation are women.
  5. Partner organisations must have an established and demonstrable track record of providing holistic, women-centred casework support to women affected by the criminal justice system, delivered from women-only premises. Alternatively, Partner organisations can be national women’s organisations with a focus on providing specialist services to women affected by the criminal justice system.
  6. Partner organisations may be organisations and projects that specifically support women from racially minoritised or other oppressed groups affected by the criminal justice system. These organisations may not fully comply with criteria 1-5 but in the interests of ensuring and increasing representation of women from marginalised groups, the NWJC will proactively welcome new Organisational Partners who meet criteria 6.
  7. Partner organisations are expected to commit to the coalition’s values and charters at organisational level.
Group Of Women On Laptop

Benefits to Membership

These are some of the ways our Partners benefit from belonging to the National Women’s Justice Coalition.

A stylised illustration of a clenched first with a heart tattoo representing love

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