Muslim Women in Prison project leads ground-breaking research into understanding the experiences of young Muslim women in contact with the CJS
This vital new research project, led by our partner @MWIPproject working alongside Leeds Beckett University, will explore the specific experiences of Muslim women and girls (aged 17-25 years) years en…
NWJC’s National Voice and Advisory Panel launches
We’re delighted to announce the launch of the NWJC’s National Voice & Advisory Panel (NVAP) in February 2024. Eight women with lived experience of the CJS have been recruited from acro…
NWJC Partners make submissions to Sentencing Council
What is the consultation about?
The Sentencing Council consultation looks at proposed changes to the Imposition guideline, the overarching guideline for general principles around imposing community or…
New briefing paper examines the needs of women in contact with the CJS and children’s social care systems
Many pregnant women and mothers who come into contact with the criminal justice system also have contact with children’s social care, in custody or in the community. This contact might start before, o…
NWJC launches the UK’s first directory of services for women in contact with the criminal justice system
The National Women’s Justice Coalition (NWJC) is proud to announce the launch of, the UK’s first directory of women’s centres and specialist services for wo…
NWJC receives funding from the Goldsmiths’ Company Charity Committee
We are delighted to announce that the National Women’s Justice Coalition has been awarded a one-year grant by Goldsmiths’ Company Charity Committee to establish and develop our National Vo…
Collective calls for a full review of MoJ vetting processes
The extensive and ongoing delays to MoJ vetting processes and a lack of clarity and transparency about decision-making in relation to security clearances have been issues of significant concern to our…
NWJC welcomes four new Organisational Partners in June 2023
In March 2023, the NWJC invited applications from other women’s centres and specialist organisations across England and Wales and committed to onboarding up to six new members in June 2023. Partners t…
Women in Prison publishes new messaging guide ‘Talking about women in contact with the criminal justice system’
We all know an important part of influencing change is engaging with the media and changing the hearts and minds of the general public. Over recent years, a ‘tough on crime’ climate and rhetoric has l…
Anawim contributes to FWN’s new Solidarity, Equality and Opportunity report
Along with many other organisations tackling issues surrounding women being swept up into the criminal justice system, Anawim – Birmingham’s Centre for Women shares details of how Dawn Hou…
Hibiscus Initiatives launches Women Inside campaign
The Women Inside campaign will amplify the stories of Black and minoritised women experiencing the trials and tribulations of the UK criminal justice and immigration systems. These stories will be por…
Clinks launches State of the Sector 2022 report
This is the ninth year that Clinks has carried out research into how criminal justice voluntary organisations are faring. This report reflects the views of organisations in the sector and provides a s…