Resource Summary

The inspection was led by HM inspector Noreen Wallace, supported by a team of inspectors and operations, research, communications and corporate staff. User Voice undertook interviews with women who had experience of being supervised by the Probation Service.

The inspection found that, in prisons, there were too many barriers to good resettlement support, the provision of services was disjointed and too complicated, and support to address practical needs, such as access to bank accounts or national insurance numbers has deteriorated rather than improved. Inspectors also found little evidence that progress is being made in addressing the reasons why women offend and, while evidence-based interventions designed to address women’s needs are available, few women are given the opportunity to benefit from them.

Resource Information

Format:report or research
Author: HM Inspectorate of Probation & HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Themes:criminal justice
Published:May 2024

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