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Maternal Imprisonment

One Small Thing

The Intergenerational Traumatic Impact of Maternal Imprisonment

One Small Thing collaborated with Dr Sophie Mitchell from Northumbria University to launch and disseminate her research on the intergenerational impact on maternal imprisonment. Her research interview…

Cultural Mediation


Cultural Mediation: An inclusive solution to help reduce the cultural and language barriers experienced by survivors of trafficking

Hibiscus has developed a pilot project to identify ways to support survivors of trafficking and gender-based violence and identified that the application of cultural mediation has been used in Europe …

Motherhood Challenged

Motherhood Challenged: Exploring the persisting impact of maternal imprisonment on maternal identity & role

This research investigates the intersection of motherhood and criminal in the UK in order to better understand the experiences of mothers and grandmothers before, during and after prison. The original…

Space To Learn About Relationships


The social factors influencing early sexual relationships among young women who have been involved in the criminal justice system and the health impacts

What social factors influence early sexual relationships among young women who have been involved in the criminal justice system, and what are the health impacts of these relationships? A Space To Lea…

The Case For Sustainable Funding

Women's Budget Group

The Case for Sustainable Funding for Women’s Centres

Women’s Centres are specialist community support services for women facing multiple disadvantages, including women involved in (or at risk of involvement in) the criminal justice system. They ar…

The Domino Effect

Lankelly Chase

The Domino Effect

This first person blog from Lilly Lewis, a domestic abuse and prison reform campaigner, is an honest account of her experience and how the domino effect of rejection, dependency, abuse, and shame led …

Understanding Models Of Support For People Facing Multiple Disadvantage

Fulfilling Lives Lambeth Southwark Lewisham

Understanding Models of Support for People Facing Multiple Disadvantage: A Literature Review

This literature review brings together broad, multidisciplinary evidence about access to services, transitions within services, and understanding about how the system behaves for people facing multipl…

Reframing Crime And Justice A Guide To Improving Communications

Transform Justice

Reframing crime and justice: a guide to improving communications

This guide for criminal justice communicators provides a wealth of tips, tricks and advice on how to communicate persuasively about criminal justice reform in a way that builds public support and acce…

Partnership Working For Women And Girls

Tavistock Institute

Partnership working for women and girls

Partnership working is more important than ever. Across the women and girls sector, organisations are pulling together to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and finding that partnership approaches …

Wrc The Crisis Of Covid 19

Women's Resource Centre

The Crisis of COVID-19 and UK Women’s Charities

This report clearly highlights that the coronavirus outbreak poses a real threat to the sustainability and survival of these very organisations and a precarious future for the UK’s women’s sector as a…

A Place To Go


A place to go like this – Breaking the cycle of harm for mothers involved in offending who are survivors of domestic abuse…

In this report Advance explores how violence against women and girls lies at the heart of the intergenerational cycle of harm, including links with serious youth violence.


Centre for Justice Innovation

Pre-court diversion for women: Evidence and practice briefing

This briefing aims to support practitioners seeking to develop or improve gender-specific pre-court diversion. It outlines the evidence base around women’s offending and the specific needs of wo…