
“The criminal justice system judges women more harshly than men..."

To effectively support women in contact with the crimnal justice system, it is critical to understand the systemic disadvantage and inequality they experience.

Our latest briefing paper, Understanding the disadvantage and inequality experienced by women in contact with the CJS, seeks to explain what we mean by “”disadvantage” and outlines how the criminalisation of women can be underpinned by the specific challenges and inequalities they face.

About NWJC Briefing Papers

  • NWJC briefing papers can be downloaded for free from the NWJC Resource Library for organisational, individual and public use.
  • These briefing papers have been researched and written with reference to the most current evidence available to support the NWJC’s key messages.
  • NWJC Organisational Partners have been consulted and invited to input anecdotal evidence and case studies to inform each paper.
  • Members of the NWJC’s National Voice & Advisory Panel have reviewed each paper and contributed their lived experience expertise under ‘What Women Tell Us’.
  • Each paper is available in text only format with full citations and references on request. Please email [email protected] to request copies of these.